• KMRB AM1430 粵語廣播電臺     


  1. Good Morning Mr. 梁繼璋,

    I want to start with my deepest word of appreciation and gratitude for the very practical, philosophical, refreshing, and alternate concepts that your 平常心 program has brought forth to all listeners of all affiliated channels of KMRB including off course listeners residing in your own native birth land. I have been listening to your program for several years straight and have benefited tremendously from your wisdom. It is obvious that you have put forth your heart in achieving the objective of the program to the full extend! I am certain that I am not the only Southern Californians looking forward to meet and converse with you on 11/10/19. See you then and travel safely.

  2. Hi, I listen to 平常心 every morning and I love the pure background music that you choose. May I ask where I can find those music?

    1. Hi Jenny,
      Thank you for your support. Both background music and final song are prepared by our production team. It is chosen related to the program content. There are many parts and choices for different programs and if you are interested in any particular episode, we can help you to find it.
      Customer Services

  3. HI Mr. Leung: Have you written a book for the stories that you tell us everyday? The stories are so good that I want to read it everyday in order to remind me how to improve.
    Please reply

  4. 你好來自香港退休警察住santa barbara 這裏無法接收貴台廣播

  5. 希望購買 ”平常心” 節目CD, please email me if you have it available in future. Thank you.

  6. Hi there,
    Can you please tell me the name and artist of the song you played today at 3:30pm on the Jackson’s story? Leave a message in Chinese is ok with me. Thank you!!

    1. Hi Daniel,
      平常心 March 17 2016 (Thu) 成功的迷宮
      ending song: 胡鴻鈞 – 相信明天
      background music: 陳慧嫻 -㣭女

      Thank you for your support to AM1430.
      Customer Service

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