• KMRB AM1430 粵語廣播電臺     
林修榮是一位銀行家, 三十八歲成為銀行總裁, 卻在七年後宣佈提早退休,此後全部時間專心當義工, 輔導華人理財, 經常被邀請作公開演講。林先生每週主持三個現場理財問答電台節目,分別為三藩市、洛杉機和紐約華人解答問題,每星期為星島日報撰寫財經專欄,並每天透過電子郵件為全美華人解答財務問題,和定時在屋崙角聲中心接見有財務需要的家庭。林先生擁有加州大學克萊分校商科碩士學位,主修國際金融與會計學。 林修榮著作「人間有情」,由中信出版,現已發行第13版。


  1. 林先生你好
    因肺炎疫情, 我的商店必須關門. 我是自僱,沒有其他員工,
    我的生意是sole proprietorship , 報稅時沒有1099 或 W-2.


  2. 林先生,您好,我有一個被管理的(managed)傳統IRA帳戶。 在一年中,它每月需要從我的帳戶中扣除管理費(managed fees)和transactions費。 我知道自2018年以來這些費用是不能在聯邦稅收申報表中扣除。但是,我想知道這些費用是否可以使用加州Schedule CA(540)表格第21行納稅申報表中申報和扣除?

    因為這些費用我沒有分開支付或直接付款。 而是從我的帳戶中提取的取。我只在我的月度(monthly)報告表中看到它。


  3. 林生你好!



  4. 林生,Inez 小姐:
    万分感谢!祝两位 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  5. 林生,主持人您好!我有一出租物业现市值30万,当年以10万购入。CASH OUT LOAN 15万,如现时出售此物业,增值税应怎样计算?另此物业税局显示有UNSECURED BILLS,RESPONSIBLE PARTIES AS BILLED OWNER-DEUTSCHE BANK. PENALTY 由当年$4.68上升到现在$70.BANK一直无PAY OFF.我该怎样做?

  6. 林先生和各位主持,



  7. 林先生,INEZ小姐您們好? 我所寄出的留言已經十多天了! 並未看到回音 希望早日能得到您的回覆:
    本人是1950年出生的 於1975年從越南逃難到美國 在美工作差不多也有廿年 現在退休在家 現有一些問題如下:
    本人現在所領取退休金加supplement 十分微小 每月生活也是捉襟見肘 雖然健康沒有什麼大問題 但雙腿的關節磨損疼痛 行動不大方便 為了未雨綢繆想到以後百年歸老 徬惶萬分 聽說一些政府部門可能有些輔助葬喪費給年老長者!
    但不知如何申請? 在政府的那個部門?
    另有關紅藍醫療卡(medicaid)方面 聽說紅籃卡有分Part A part B? 這些智識是如何分辨? 並有些政府所發給的紅藍卡是要每月自付幾佰元 有這回事嗎?敬請先生不吝賜教解答!感激不盡 謝謝! 林明

  8. 林先生:
    請問: 如果房地產在TODD和遺囑上的受益人不同,屋主過世後,會跟從那一張文件分配財產?多謝!

  9. Good morning Mr. Lam

    I have questions regarding 529 plan, please help me to address these issues.

    I just retried earlier this year ( I am 65 ) and my wife is still working.
    I have 529 account with Scholar Share for my daughter whom will be senior in high school this coming school year.
    I saw the article that talking about the law changing for withdrawing from 529 account to pay for K to 12 without penalty for Federal but there is 2.50 % penalty on the State of California.

    I am thinking to withdraw about $7600.00 from 529 account and pay for my daughter senior year to reduce the total amount of this account ( about $41000.00 ) and hope fully when she get in to college
    she will get some grant

    Please help to advise if it is worth it to withdraw from 529 account this year or wait until next year ?

    Also I check with Scholar Share regarding this withdrawal , they said that they cannot issue a check
    payable to the school directly due to the withdrawal for K to 12 , they can only issue a check to me
    and I will issue a check to the school directly. At the end of this year they will send the 1099Q to me

    Please help to advise if this process is okay.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Best regard,

    Chor Siv

  10. 林先生: 上星期天找有留言資訽一些問題如下但看不到回覆不知伱們是否收到:

    本人是1950年出生的 於1975年從越南逃難到美國 在美工作差不多也有廿年 現在退休在家 現有一些問題如下:
    本人現在所領取退休金加supplement 十分微小 每月生活也是捉襟見肘 雖然健康沒有什麼大問題 但雙腿的關節磨損疼痛 行動不大方便 為了未雨綢繆想到以後百年歸老 徬惶萬分 聽說一些政府部門可能有些輔助葬喪費給年老長者!
    但不知如何申請? 在政府的那個部門?
    另有關紅藍醫療卡(medicaid)方面 聽說有些政府所發給的紅藍卡是要每月自付幾佰元 有這回事嗎?敬請先生不吝賜教解答!感激不盡 謝謝! 林明

  11. 林生你好,

    My daughter is making money on YouTube, does she has to paid tax or only make over sudden amount of money? May you please let me k ow when you get a chance m, my email address is thomas28lee@hotmail.com


  12. 林先生,.你好!
    因你在旅途中,我們已等2 weeks.

    你常提年長免付地稅學區稅,是要填那種表格和申請,我有call El Monte Moutain View 學區,但他們說不知道,我要向那裡再詢問.


  13. 林生你好!
    1. What is the maximum $ amount for 401K contribution per year?
    2. If I put the maximum $ amount in 401K, can I also put the maximum contibution to my Roth IRA account for the same year?

    多谢你一直在为我们中国服务, 愿上帝保佑你和你的家人。


  14. Re: E-filing / Tax Return
    Hi Mr. Lam, My CPA told me that our tax return was rejected by IRS, someone has used our SS# to file the tax return and was accepted by IRS. What should we do now? CPA has given me the IRS # to call, but no one answer the phone and there is no options to speak with the IRS agent. My tax return is now pending.

  15. 林修榮先生:

  16. 林生 你.好!

    我有一些關於2018報稅及白卡健保問題想請教一下你。我爸爸剛過65歲生日,他綠卡來美之後沒有工作過。之前幾年報稅都是我以head of household擔養他。我前幾年一直full time讀書,part time工作,年收入大概2萬5左右,所以我爸爸一直都拿到medi-cal的三藩市保健計畫。但是2018下半年是我master degree的grace period,我並不需要register class,所以我full time工作了半年,2018年收入超過3萬。我想問下如果我爸爸希望拿65歲白卡健保,我2018報稅應不應該繼續擔養他報head of household?

    Emily Fan

  17. 林先生你好



  18. 譚先生, Inez 好。
    1, 我是53 歳 ,新加入 聯邦政府工作, 員工。 老板有 offer, Thirft Saving Plan(TSP) 類似 401k 賬戶。
    有 Traditional IRA ( pre-tax) 和 Roth IRA( after-tax)

    我是否選擇 Roth 比較好?

    2, 有倆種 invest in;

    1, Lifecycle Funds, 和
    2 individual TSP funds

    我完全不懂股票, 請問選擇那種好?

    3, 2, 請問 封鎖 信用紀錄

    要全部 三間 都 要通知?
    或是 通知其中一間便可以

    麻煩今晚節目解答。 收聽中

  19. 你好林生,我的社保号码已被盗,美国国税局已发信通知我,周五打电话给你,你告诉我要阻止信用记录,麻烦你教我怎么做.

    Lily Wong

  20. 林先生,你好!我媽媽在香港過世,我8月回去處理她的遺產。因當時我不在美國,所以就把收到的約70萬現金遺產匯入了我兒子在美國的銀行帳戶。我9月回來美國,就把那些錢匯回我自己的帳戶。現在我唔想扎錢,想把錢分給我的兒子,那麼錢又會轉入他的帳戶。問題:



  21. 以下有關 property tax 問題想要請教林修榮先生:
    我家房子在 十四年前以 $655,000買入,最近4年的property tax assessed value 都在 $690,000 左右,繳稅少於 $7,800。但剛收到嘅稅單却激增至 $9,100 assessed value $811,000 。合理嗎? 鄰居大三百呎的房子最近出售售價低於 $811萬,可用作上訴理據嗎?應如何 file appeal?

    我與先生於 2013 年成立 living trust, 房子亦轉到 trust 名下。

    Thank you!

  22. hi! mr.lam: below is my friend questions want to get the answer :
    i want to apply for retire early at 62 years old, so when is the time I need to apply? if I approve for the retire at 62 years old, and my wife was received social security disability benefit over 5 years, so can I have her retire benefit of 50%? what is the name of benefit for old people become 65 years old? because my English not so good,i am so sorry for you.

    thanks! steven cel: 626-672-8877

  23. Dear Dr. Lam,
    I want to ask this for my parents. They want to do a cash-out refinance, but is afraid that this will cause a property tax increase. My question would be, will a cash-out refinance (no change in title) cause a increase in property tax. Thanks!!

  24. 林先生,你好!


    我與我先生有房屋一间是两夫妻聯名拥有的; 我先生有兩個儿女, 己成年了.

    請問: 若将來我们雙方其中一位不在, 房屋是否全部自動歸于另一方, 與子女無关, 是嗎? 我们需要做Living Trust 嗎?


    With Best Regards,

  25. Hi Mr. Lam,
    I have my own S Corp, it is a small company and I am the only owner.

    My car was leased under the company, and I am the one who mainly drive the car, my husband sometimes drive it but he is not an employee and is not related to my S corp. The car insurance is under the name of the company.

    My question is, should I need an umbrella insurance? We already have insurance on the house we owed, and the car insurance is under my S Corp.

    Thanks for your help.



  26. 林先生, 您好
    I have had an issue about my parking ticket with City of Los Angele Parking violations Bureau.
    My car was stolen 11/17/2017, and I had reported to L.A.P.D on 11/17/2017.
    And I was notified 12/09/2017 the car was found, and impounded in Official Police Garage Unit .
    As the stolen car was break off and I did not claim the car and not knew the car got the parking ticket
    at all.
    And I received the parking ticket of 146.00 from L.A Parking Violations Bureau. I disputed and sent them the police report and OPGU paper work to proof the time frame with request to remove this fine of violation. But it was denied. and I have no one to turn but you…
    Could you advise me what to do ?


    John 彭


  27. 林先生你好,我今年1/2开始新的工作,工作期满3个月后,亦即4/1才有医疗保险。但公司没有group plan, 老板给我钱,让我自己去买保险。但问题是enrollment period 之后我到处都买不到保险,那我是不是去年报税就只能被罚钱了?着急的SUNNY

  28. 林先生,您好!我姓郭,今年 55歲,從 2014 年家人移民到美國,夫妻和兩個兒子, 大兒子 17 和 小的 8歲,到今時我和太太也失業從沒報過稅,我們有用醫療白卡,但只是用醫藥並沒用到政府的現金,為此,我剛申請了一個人公司營業 INC 執照,現還在等批文寄來。
    同時,我去年中有向朋友借錢開支票給我出了一部新車 2017 年的 SUV 是用現金買的,但是我想用我這簡新的 INC 公司來買另一部 8 個座位的新車當的士 Uber 以幫補收入,我打算向朋友借錢和向銀行貸款來買車,如果這樣的情況會影響到我本人和家人的醫療白卡嗎?同時我將來應該怎樣報稅?

  29. Dear Mr. Lam,

    My son is working as computer programer in San Francisco Bay area. Can you refer him a CPA who can help him to file income tax return? But he needs special help that the CPA must be familar and specialized with AMT (alternative minimum tax) calculations (for those high income tax payers).
    Or, you can email me the above request directly.

    Thank you very much.




  30. 林先生:
    一名聽眾 上

  31. 林先生你好!我和先生沒有录咭,我在2001生左一個女是公民,一個月後帶女兒返回香港生活,到女兒高中9年級回來读書 直接到2019將入讀大學,現請問我們沒有美國報稅,可以有資格申請政府支助嗎?我女兒學費是以美國居民的學費付嗎?我先生在香港有工作,年收入36萬港幣。

  32. 林先生好,
    我姓李,2年前买了San Gabriel city 买了一间屋,间屋是我的名,现在我想加我太太的名在屋契上。如果我这么做,我有做房屋货款,那会重新查我的信用吗?我现在没有工作,会不会 call 我的 loan? 如果我加太太的名,贷款公司会不会查她的信用呢?如果她是家庭主妇,没有收入,这样会不会影响现时的贷款利息呢?

  33. 林先生:请教您两个问题: 第一转换401k公司,是否有90天期限转出后再转回去,转回来后是否应该退回转出去的罚款 灰复原来的情况?第二把转出的钱,再把转出去的钱转回原来的公司,‘’转回钱‘’这个工作,是属哪个公司的责任?因为‘转钱‘’’的问题,两个公司互相指责,一个说不一次提全部,另一个说对方不肯放钱..造成我有些户口说是过了60天,不但不能回原来的公司,还要被罚款.

  34. 林先生:您好!

  35. when identify thief is being noticed in credit is being stolen, what are the steps to take?

  36. 林先生, 我有亲戚要从中国汇给我二十万美金(礼物)作为在美国买屋的首期。请问明年报税是否需要填3520? 现在中国限制每人每年只可以汇5万美金来美国,所以要找4个人来每人汇5万。如果要填3520的话这样有没有问题,因为是4个不同的人来汇?您觉得有没有必要今年汇10万然后到了明年再汇10万?这样就不用申报了。非常感谢您的解答!

  37. 林先生你好,我和我儿子在他结婚之前买的房子,一年之后她才结婚,现在他们在闹离婚,他老婆也没有上过班、请问如果他们真的离婚的话他的房子那一半需要分给他吗?当时的钱都是我这个做母亲的付。谢谢你感恩

  38. Dear MR Lam: I have some question for the lawyer, But I don’t know who is better and where can I fine them. Can you introduce one for me? thank you your help!

  39. Hi there… I am representing my mother who currently needs counseling. My father created a trust under my mom’s name and his own. He passed away a few years now but the property that they owned was under the trust name. Since then she purchased a new home and uses the old one to rent out. The new home is under her name, but not the rental property. Her question is how she can put both properties under her own name.

    Also the trust that my dad created has a lot of mistakes. How do we combine the two properties into one name?

    Thank you!



  40. Mr. Lam, 8/3/2017 8:00 pm

    A pleasant day to you. We received the Census 2017. While completing it, we find that it is asking for lots of confidential information. Including my ancestry, the type of internet we used, who pay for electric in our home. Not that we have anything to hide but we just felt uncomfortable to provide all our private info. What do you think? If we don’t fill it out, we might be in trouble with the law.

    Can you possibly talk about the 2017 Census on Thursday, August 3, 2017.


  41. Mr. Lam, I am 66 years old and retired. I am collecting pension from my company at $28,000 a year (plus interests and dividends about $4000. My wife is 60 years old and getting Obama care, and I haven’t collect social security benefit due to the consideration of income level requirement for Obama care. I have both Roth IRA and IRA in TDAmeritrade, and 401K in my company. I am thinking converting some of my IRA to ROTH IRA, would you please give me your professional advice. Thank you in advance.

  42. 林先生,我今年62歲,如果申請 reverse mortgage 之後,每個月有固定數目($1000 – $2000)轉入我銀行,報稅時需不需要當作為收入? 這個額外數目會不會影響子女大學每年申請FAFSA? 多謝提點。


  43. 林生,你好:

  44. Dear Mr. Lam,

    I have a question about LLC. I have a rental property when I purchase it, I used my name. But recently, the property create a lot of problem. Therefore, I want to incorporate with LLC. I already applied the LLC and give the property manager the LLC and have a bank with the LLC.

    My question is
    1) Do I need to change the title using this LLC ? How much ?
    2) Do I need to inform the mortgage company ? do I need to refinance it under the LLC ?
    3) How about insurance company ? Does it need to use the LLC ?

    God Bless,

  45. Dear mr.lim
    My name is Linh.my brother will be immigration to US soon,he sold a house in vn,and he will transfer the money to his bank account when he come to America (my sister will help send money to his account ).My question is when he have his money from selling the house in VN is he need to report to IRS or pay tax to US goverment,he does not do any business in VN.Thank you! I do speak Cantonese but I don’t know write in Chinese

  46. 林生,您好,我聽人講跟你去一次以色列,好過去6次香港,希望你下次带團我們可以去。


  47. 林生,我有和我小姨合买一栋房子,现在她说这房子没有我份,现在我要分开她想抢这房子。请问林我怎么样?

  48. 林生你好,

    去年我的收入只有約六千元,我是單身,沒有人需要擔養,62歲,若我想買IRA的話,請問買普通IRA 對退稅有幫助嗎? 謝謝幫忙!


  49. 林先生, 請問我兒子現讀醫學院學校,學費、生活費都由父母供養,若他超過24歲,他的學費能否低稅?

  50. Hi Mr Lam,

    Please help me with questions on issuing Form 1099-MISC. Not sure what kind of payment supposed to report as “Nonemployee compensation” on the form.

    Do I report the total amount paid to someone for his professional services and travel expenses such as airfare, hotel and meals? Will it make any difference if receipts of expenses submitted? What if recipients is a LLC instead of individual?

    Thanks, Bonnie

  51. Hi, 林先生,您好?



  52. 林先生, 你好!
    我現在70歳已退休, 有Medicare 和白卡。每月有收到SSI. 新年朋友到訪, 帶去了賭誠,我非常意外一次贏了 $12,000 老虎機. Casino 扣除25% tax 後有$9200. 問題是: 會不會影響繼續拿白卡和退休老人福利SSI 呢?最重會不會cut 醫療白卡?

    我應該怎麼做才保住SSi 和 白卡 是意外的財。我是不是要用了它? 如果是, 我可以用來幫屋企人換了屋roof 或窗, 但是屋不是我的. 我只是在住.

    最後,$ 9200 減了3000 max. Gamble lost = $6200 gain. Casino 已扣了稅, 我還需要再次報稅嗎 在2017. 我沒有其他收入.

    陳女士 ( 忠實聽眾)

  53. 林先生,經常聽到越遲攞退休金越好,但人生無常,冇人會知道自己壽命有幾長,是否應該改變方針,如果經濟能力許可的話,應該越早攞越好, 如果62歲唔開始攞退休金,等到66歲,已經攞小咗四年,如果62歳每個月係攞$1000,四年已經攞咗$48,000, 要等到66歲攞雖然每個月多些少,但幾時先至可以彌補$48,000呢? 是否值得考慮? 況且等到年紀大先開始攞退休金,有錢都未必有用,可能已經唔可以去旅行,有心無力,食又食唔到,甚至開始有病痛,有錢又如何呢???



  54. AM1430

    Hi Mr Lam,

    I installed central A/C by a licensed contractor but his workmanship is sloppy / with issues. He came few times but problems are corrected ..he never apply a city permit for AC that he promised to apply it.
    Also I asked for Carrier brand on our contract but the “carrier” logo label on condenser is disappeared. I was told by other AC contractor that the condenser is the 2nd line of Carrier & no logo or only Carrier paper logo that can be removed. I feel I am being cheated. I don’t get what exactly I paid for it

    I did not pay him bal ( $2K) . now he mailed a letter saying that he will a lien on my property in 2 weeks or he would like to deduct $500 from payment to settle it

    But I would like to deduct $1500 but he refused

    Since he is licensed , where should I complaint or should I ask other licensed AC contactor to get me a new price quote for condenser placement & bargain with him again

    Please advise solutions


  55. 林先生:

  56. Hi dear Mr.,Lam, My name Steven loreg Like most of the cooks and waiters get work wherever you can, I have worked for A restaurant for 2 yr in Colorado. Back to CA file claim for UI, and they said I should file claim in Colorado, State in which I worked.,They also give me A# 1 800 388 5515 but there is on way I can go back there and file..Help me what to do ? LOve you and thank you for what you do for our comminty

  57. Hi Mr. Lam, I am Mrs. Ly. My brother and I have a building in New York City. He lives there and I live in California. We both have ownership of the house. Over the years he has not split up the rent with me so I want to sell the building. However, he wants to keep the building by himself. Should I take legal action in order to sell the house? Thank you.

  58. Hi Mr. Lam, My name is Fong. I am single and have created a living trust
    in year 2011, and has assigned two power , my nieces. the living
    trust includes
    my house in san Diego. in year 2013 I bought another house in Las Vegas,
    but I have not included the house in las Vegas in the current living trust.

    if something happen to me or I died before I add the house in las Vegas
    to living trust. Can my niece use my living trust to transfer the title or
    the house in Las Vegas under her name
    without going through probate.at the court. my niece is my one of my assigned power of attorney.

    thank you

    1. Hi Mr. Lam,
      What is the current home loan rate? When will be the best time to lock in a mortgage rate? End of the November or December 2016.

      Please advise.


  59. 請問: 我有一間屋係,title 是夫妻同媽媽三個人,將來媽媽用白卡,如果要遺產追收,政府是否只係追收三份之一?因為三分之二唔係佢名下擁有。 如果有生前信托,新例實施後是否就無需要擔心?多謝。


  60. 我與丈夫最近買一間屋,我們有兩個成年子女,現要選title, 請問林生可否解釋Community Property, Joint Tenancy, Community Property with Right of Servivorship and Tenancy in Common的分別?謝謝!

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