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35款曲奇餅, 蛋卷等, 含污染物可致癌! (Video)


測試中氯丙二醇(3-MCPD)含量最高的樣本為「泰昌餅家」蝴蝶酥,每公斤有780微克,其次為每公斤含669微克的「LU Palmito L’Original Sweet Dry Biscuit」。香港現時對此未有規管,根據歐洲食品安全局建議,人體每公斤體重可攝入2微克,即一名60公斤成年人,每日攝取量不應多於120微克,以「泰昌餅家」蝴蝶酥為例,進食154克,即20塊就會超出建議標準。

測試中有40款曲奇含基因致癌物環氧丙醇,最高含量者為「元朗榮華」,每公斤含1900微克;在非預先包裝或獲豁免營養標籤的預先包裝樣本中,環氧丙醇含量最高的是無印良品的Oats Crunch Sable Hazehut,每公斤1100微克。另外亦有42款含基因致癌物丙烯酰胺,最高含量者為「Sainsbury’s」,每公斤含340微克。由於兩者為基因致癌物,世衞不能為其釐定安全攝取量,建議盡量少攝取為上。


– 除留意包裝上的產品描述、配料及營養標籤,還須確保產品沒有過期;

– 存放曲奇和甜酥餅在陰涼位置,避免陽光直射,食用後應盡快將包裝密封,以免受潮;

– 保持均衡飲食,減低因偏食而攝入大量污染物的機會,同時亦須避免攝入過量糖、鈉和飽和脂肪酸等營養素。

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  1. Hi 美寶,
    We like your Morning LA 5-7 am so much, it is our good company on our way to work and listening to your program becomes our habit and a must. Thank you very much for sharing with us a lot of good information, traffic, music, entertainment, health and so on in the early morning. But, we recently found that you have only one hour from 6-7am program now. Is it possible to resume to 5-7 schedule?

    Thank you,

    Brain and Wing

  2. My name is Wendy , I want to keep the health information and international news for this 1 hour. I always drive to work for listening when I go to work from La Palma to Santa Ana. Everyday start to drive at 5:30 , go back to company at 6:30.

    1. Hi Wendy, glad to hear from you. I’ll try to keep as much of those topics as I can. Thank you for your input.

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