• KMRB AM1430 粵語廣播電臺     


  1. 杨 Sir 的节目非常好,支持您杨 Sir,为一不好的是他的拍擋 娜娜,整到成个节目失真,他的笑声太恐怖,似一个失心疯的女人,我的小孩都怕他的笑声,希望他个人檢点一下,不然整到成个节目失真

  2. 林先你好,有一问题请教你一下,我人寿保险取左二万五现金,当年用一万五买入,那么我要报多少钱税,我年收入约六万元左右。如果多个一千元缴税是否会被罚款?

  3. Thank you YANG SIR and your team for keeping me company every night from 10:00 PM. to 11:00 PM. I work in the afternoon. Every night, I got out of work around 10:00 PM, I would get in my car and listen to your show when I drive home. I enjoy your show very much. I just want you and your team to know that. I apologize for not remember your team mates’ names. Please say hello to your team for me. Thank you again and goodnight. Alan

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